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Books for Children

Dinosaurs Divorce

by Marc Brown, Laurie Krasny Borwn (September 1988)
Good Books Review - Children seem to love this book. Although some parents have complained that this book covers too many things all at once, many children love the drawings and text. It has become the standard book on divorce that parents share with young children.

It's Not Your Fault, Koko Bear: Osread-Together Book for Parents & Young Children During Divorce

It's Not Your Fault, Koko Bear: Osread-Together Book for Parents & Young Children During Divorceby Vicki Lansky, Jane Prince (November 1999)
PreSchool-Grade 2AKoKo Bear's parents are getting divorced, and the cub must go through many adjustments and deal with a wide range of emotions: anger, guilt, confusion, and sadness. At every step, MaMa and PaPa are helpful, understanding, and supportive.
--School Library Journal

Let's Talk About It: Divorce

Let's Talk About It: Divorceby Fred Rogers (October 1998)
PreSchool-Grade 3 — Divorce is difficult enough for adults, but for children, it can be devastating. Here, Rogers presents much-needed information to read, discuss, and implement. He defines a family as anyone who gives a child food, care, love, and a place to feel safe. He explains that these main ingredients should remain constant even in the event of a divorce.
--School Library Journal

My Parents Still Love Me Even Though They're Getting Divorced: An Interactive Tale for Children

My Parents Still Love Me Even Though They're Getting Divorced: An Interactive Tale for Childrenby Lois Nightingale; Blanca Apodaca LA Bounty (October 1996)
This book is a beautifully illustrated book for parents to share with their children during the divorce experience. Through a series of stories and interactive exercises, children will learn that divorce is not their fault; their thoughts and feelings are normal and important; they are not alone; they will be taken care of; other children have had this experience and come out OK; there are people they can talk to; there are things they can do to help get their feelings out and begin to feel better; they are still loved even though their parents are getting a divorce.

Was It the Chocolate Pudding?: A Story For Little Kids About Divorce

Was It the Chocolate Pudding?: A Story For Little Kids About Divorceby Sandra Levins; Bryan Langdo (September 2005)
With childlike innocence and humor, a young narrator living with his single father and brother explains divorce and it's grown-up words like New Arrangement, Ideal Situation, and Differences from a kid's point-of-view. Special emphasis is placed on the fact that divorce is not the child's fault, that it is a grown-up problem. Deals with practical day-to-day matters such as single-family homes, joint custody, child-care issues, and misunderstandings. Includes Note to Parents. Full-color illustrations through-out. For ages 2-6.

What Can I Do?: A Book for Children of Divorce

What Can I Do?: A Book for Children of Divorceby Danielle Lowry, Bonnie Matthews (September 2001)
Children's narrative offers real solutions and resources for dealing with the questions and feelings they face when parents divorce.


When My Parents Forgot How to Be Friends

When My Parents Forgot How to Be Friendsby Jennifer Moore-Mallinos, Marta Fabrega (February 2005)
Young children become confused and hurt when their parents constantly argue, then decide to divorce. This sensitively written book assures boys and girls that children are in no way responsible for their parents' inability to get along together. It lets kids know that although one parent chooses to move away from the home, both parents continue to love their little boy or girl. Both Mom and Dad will continue to spend happy times with them.

With My Mom, With My Dad: A Book About Divorce

With My Mom, With My Dad: A Book About Divorceby Maribeth Boelts: Cheri Bladholm (April 2004)
Young children become confused and hurt when their parents constantly argue, then decide to divorce. This sensitively written book assures boys and girls that children are in no way responsible for their parents' inability to get along together.

Help! A Girl's Guide to Divorce and Stepfamilies

Help! A Girl's Guide to Divorce and Stepfamiliesby Nancy Holyoke, Scott Nash (September 1999)
A 2000 Parents' Choice® Recommended winner.
Our guidance counselor test groups praised this guide as a valuable and appropriate resource. It opens the doors for communication about divorce and provides awareness that divorce is reality to so many kids. Girls will appreciate, and perhaps be comforted by, the quotes and shared stories.
--Parents' Choice

My Parents Are Getting Divorced: How to Keep It Together When Your Mom and Dad Are Splitting Up

My Parents Are Getting Divorced: How to Keep It Together When Your Mom and Dad Are Splitting Upby Florence Cadier; Melissa Daly; Claire Gandini (May 2004)
My Parents Are Getting Divorced: How to Keep It Together When Your Mom and Dad Are Splitting Up approaches divorce in a calm and soothing manor and answers the important questions that most children will ask as their parents go through divorce.


The Divorce Helpbook for Kids

The Divorce Helpbook for Kidsby Cynthia MacGregor (September 2001)
The Divorce Helpbook for Kids is an easy to understand guide looking for young children whose parents are undergoing or have been through a divorce.




Books About Children Regarding Divorce

Cooperative Parenting and Divorce: A Parent Guide to Effective Co-parenting

Books About Children Regarding Divorceby Susan Blythe Boyan; Ann Marie Termini (February 1999)
This book gives parents that are undergoing the divorce process the information they need to make positive decisions regarding their children.


Everything Parent's Guide to Children And Divorce: Reassuring Advice to Help Your Family Adjust

Everything Parent's Guide to Children And Divorce: Reassuring Advice to Help Your Family Adjustby Carl Pickhardt (December 2005)
Written by Carl E. Pickhardt, Ph.D., this book provides parents with the information they need to help prepare their children for the adjustment to having divorced parents.


Ex-Etiquette for Parents : Good Behavior After a Divorce or Separation

Ex-Etiquette For Parentsby Jann Blackstone-Ford, Sharyl Jupe (October 2004)
From Publishers Weekly Blackstone-Ford is a divorce and stepfamily mediator who married Jupe's first husband. Together, they've written a thoughtful, well-informed guide to practicing good behavior after a divorce or separation. Their combined experiences as wife and ex-wife, along with Blackstone-Ford's professional expertise, allow them to expound on a number of situations. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Helping Your Kids Cope with Divorce the Sandcastles Way

Helping Your Kids Cope with Divorce the Sandscastles Wayby M. Gary Neuman (July 1999)
" Gary Neuman has a wonderful way of nourishing parents while reminding us that there are no simple ways to help children through complicated family times. Whether we're parents, grandparents, or friends, all of us can be grateful for Gary's encouragement to be natural as we talk to--and listen to--our children. We can also be thankful for his support as we reach out for extra help when we feel we need it." --Fred Rogers, creator of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

Mom's House, Dad's House: Making Two Homes for Your Child

Mom's House, Dad's House: Making Two Homes for Your Childby Isolina Ricci (November 1997)
"The groundbreaking classic, now revised, updated and expanded, covers the legal, financial and emotional realities of creating two happy and stable homes for children in the often difficult and confusing aftermath of a divorce."

Parenting After Divorce: A Guide to Resolving Conflicts and Meeting Your Children's Needs

Parenting After Divorce: A Guide to Resolving Conflicts and Meeting Your Children's Needsby Philip Stahl (October 2000)
This book provides information that will insure that parents provide a healthy future for their children post-divorce.

The Co-Parenting Survival Guide: Letting Go of Conflict after a Difficult Divorce

The Co-Parenting Survival Guide: Letting Go of Conflict after a Difficult Divorceby Elizabeth Thayer; Jeffrey Zimmerman (July 2001)
The Co-Parenting Survival Guide:Letting go Of Conflict after a Difficult Divorce helps parents who have been through conflict-ridden divorces cope with their dissagreements and ultimatly develop a positive co-parenting relationship.


The Truth About Children and Divorce : Dealing with the Emotions So You and Your Children Can Thrive

The Truth About Children and Divorce : Dealing with the Emotions So You and Your Children Can Thriveby Robert Emery (August 2004)
"Nationally recognized expert Robert Emery applies his twenty-five years of experience as a researcher, therapist, and mediator to offer parents a new roadmap to divorce-never before laid out for general readers."

What about the Kids?: Raising Your Children Before, During, and After Divorce

What about the Kids?: Raising Your Children Before, During, and After Divorceby Judith Wallerstein and Sandra Blakeslee (March 2004)
GoodBooks Review: If you have children and were to purchase only one book to help guide you in your parenting through divorce, this should be the book. Wallerstein, one of only several long-term reserachers in the area of divorce, finally wrote a parenting primer after 35 years plus of talking to divorced parents and children. This book is as good as having a best friend who talks to you in an honest manner - sharing important information that you don't always want to hear but very much need to know and understand.

Why Did You Have to Get a Divorce? And When Can I Get a Hamster? : A Guide to Parenting

Why Did You Have to Get a Divorce? And When Can I Get a Hamster? : A Guide to Parentingby Anthony Wolf (August 1998)
"Through sample conversations, Wolf presents strategies for opening communication, keeping children out of the middle, and dealing with both the day-to-day complications and long-term effects of divorce." --Publisher


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